I have been contemplating what it means to have a Christian World View. It is a good question to ask oneself if your faith is to be sincere. Some people have chosen to participate in their local church, but do not ask the deeper questions. I am a late-comer to Christianity. As a child, we went to church regularly. My mother was the youth choir director and also led a handbell group. I didn't think much about religion growing up. I went to church because I had to. When I got old enough, my parents gave us the choice as to whether we would be confirmed into the Christian faith. Confirmation into the faith as a teen is a big deal, or it should be. When it came to this decision, I took it seriously. In the case of following the Christian faith, or not, I wanted to make a decision that was based on my heart. I didn't want to just do it for the party, or even for my parent's approval. I started to attend church again, and I came to the belief that the whole thing seemed like brainwashing. It wasn't asking for critical thinking, or even deep personal thought. I made the decision not to be confirmed and stayed away from Christian churches for years.
I know that my siblings both have identified as Christian in their lives. They both chose to be confirmed and to participate in churches. My brother was a deacon, and led youth groups with his children. My sister sang in the choir. Me, I remained spiritual, persuing the path of bioenergy healing, psychic phenomenon, and all things PSI. Likely this was because I had a penchant for science, and the science of spirituality in particular has become a way I help myself navigate this earthly existence. My father was an athiest and lover of science. I got my degree in neuroscience, likely in part because of his influence. In studying the brain, attention systems, and schizophrenia, I was led into an areana of consciousness studies. I often say I went through the eye of the needle of materialism and popped out the other side as a full blown spiritualist. Clearly it was all energy. I have spent the past 2 decades working to understand consciousness fields, the human condition, ego, and God. This exploration into the multidimentional nature of reality has given my life great meaning. When 2 years ago I attended a Christian service with Bishop Rachel Carter I nearly fell out of my chair when I heard her describing the ascension. This aligned perfectly with what all of the "new age" people had been saying all along. Deloros Cannon, Eckart Tolle and so many others talking about 3D to 5D shift. My quest to understand the Bible began there. I now am working to understand whether the Christian world view is one that I fully believe in. I am convinced beyond a doubt that indeed the Bible is prophetic. I believe we are in the end days. I believe that God gave us a way to escape this matrix through following Christ. I believe we are in a battle of Good vs Evil and we will be judged. I believe that the commandments are the God given guide to right living, and that these are critical for our spiritual evolution. We must overcome the lower urges to step into the higher planes of our humanity. These things are coherent with my past spiritual beliefs. For example, the moral striving aligns perfectly with the Consciousness Fields of Power vs Force. I believe we are disconnected from God when we are in the lower vibrations (sins, vices) and connected, or in God's grace when we achieve the higher vibrations (fruits of the spirits, virtues) in our lives. There are so many parts of the Biblical world view that I am choosing to follow. Do I know all of truth? Not even! But I have faith, and enough awareness to see the prophetic truth of the Bible. And yet, there are quite a few areas I still struggle with. It is with the church definitions of various things that I get tangled up. In particular Jesus. Instead of traditional religious views, I believe Billy Carson is right when he says Je Sus is "Hail Zeus", and that the correct name is Yeshua. I believe Ella LaBain is honest and speaks the truth regarding her encounters with Yeshua. I believe what those who have studied the ancient astronauts have to say about all of this. I lean towards what the NDE testimonials have to say about Yeshua more than what the average preacher says. I believe the Biblical view of the existence of angels and demons, however; I take issue with the degree to which EVERYTHING is DEMONIC! I think that is a bunch of BS. I have spent my life trying to understand the spiritual nature of reality. These are not inconsistent. God is Truth, and science is simply a tool to understand that truth. How do the church leaders come to believe that bioenergy techniques are demonic? I am spending time in the Bible to find this, and it just isn't there. Rather, I see these techniques akin to what Yeshua did and taught his disciples with his miraculous healings. He aslo stated, [We - his followers] will do greater things even than He. The religions of Baal, worship of golden idols, or and idolization at all, is a misdirection of our spiritual energy. This I agree. Baal is not yoga, Baal is not breathwork, it is not Reiki or pranic healing or any of the various forms of meditation, healing and prayer lightworkers use today. There are so many in the churches, both attendees and leaders who have created unnecessary fear and yet who have practices that are explicitly forbidden in the Bible. Tell me why all the Preists are referred to as Father, when it says this is Matthew. Hypocrites!
Throughout the Bible it asks us to follow the commandments of God. So here we are, trying to live up to a moral standard. Is this a divine purpose worthy of a life's effort? There must be something more that I am here to do? Is all of this effort trying to be good and right keeping me focused on the wrong things? This is how Christians become judgmental and rigid. They determine everyone's actions as right or wrong based on their following the Bible. Well, in the Bible itself we are told not to judge others. We are not to speak negatively of others. I shared some examples in the post on non-judgment. What is interesting is that when we start to live in this higher plane, it almost begins to come naturally to want to help and lift up, instead of allowing scorn and pride to rule us. So I heard someone speaking about a different way of interpreting the Ten Commandments, and it felt so true. I have seen it happening in my own life. That is that the commandments are not so much rules to follow, but how the soul and person's behavior will naturally evolve. They are TEN PROMISES by God to his followers. This is the teaching of Ellen G White, cofounder of the 7th Day Adventist Church. What she says about the Commandments is that they should be read as a promise for those who begin to walk in Christ. Instead of "Shalt Not" it should be read, thou will not... Thou will have no other Gods but me! Meaning, that in your heart of hearts, you will love only the one true God. Thou will not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain! Meaning that His name will be held so holy, it will never be spoken of in any other way than as holy. Thou will keep the Sabbath Day holy! It will come naturally to pray and be in the spirit of God on these sacred days. Thou will honor thy father and mother! Thou will not kill! Thou will not commit adultery! Thou will not steal! Thou will not bear false witness against thy neighbor! Thou will not lust after thy neighbor’s wife! Thou will not covet thy neighbor’s house, nor his farm, nor his cattle, nor anything that is his! The elimination of jealousy, lust, greed and those negative energetic states will be natural as we start to live in God's grace, the light of Christ, or in the more esoteric term - the Positive Torroid. This makes perfect sense and changes the way in which one considers how to direct their efforts towards becoming a better person and better Christian. Rather than focusing on not doing these negative things, it is right and good to focus on living in the positive aspects of life. Focus on connecting to God, loving one another, and directing our actions towards those positive qualities within each of us. Love Thy Neighbor, and Love God Above All Else, and the rest will come naturally. For some powerful inspiration, watch the attached video with Dwain Esmond! We have such a strict taboo on discussing politics and religion in our country. In fact many funding agencies for non-profits restrict these conversations with threat of loss of nonprofit status. In fact, churches are not allowed to endorse candidates for that reason.. Schools are not allowed to have prayer, and even talk of God had been looked on with terror.
I remember when I entered into the arena of education. I had already sucessfully completed a PhD in Neuroscience, but was appalled at the mania around medicating children for ADHD. A focus of my research as a scientist was on how the attention systems in the brain operate and how they develop. I have written on this subject in other forums, and so won't spend time on it now. One of my first classes I took when I entered education, included field work, where we would act as assistants in a classroom. This was early childhood, and so I was in a preschool class. There was one boy who was very curious, and somewhat excluded from the rest of the group. He liked to follow me around while I took notes. He had a little clipboard, and would copy everything I did. I was formally trained as a scientist, and so we know about observation without interference, but of course, this is education, so I would think I should interact with this kid. One day before class, I happened to be walking into the building and found a little notebook. Being a total cheapskate that I am, I picked it up and thought it would be perfect to take notes. I had some writing in it in a childs hand. It said, "The Bibel was made by God." I made my way into the class, and my little assistant showed up right away. He was curious about my new notebook and asked, "What does that say?" I told him, making sure to pronounce the word "Bibel" as it was spelled. "Bib" "El" Nothing else happened in the conversation relating to God or the Bible, but the next day I was called in for a little "talking to". Apparently someone had been watching me from behind the two way mirror and was horrified that I had been teaching about God. Sharing this story now, we have only become more hysterical and restrictive about conversations around God and politics in schools and social society. This is not right. If we are to assist our youth in making sense of the world around them, these are the two most important topics we could possibly discuss. There is a difference between honoring differing perspectives and promoting a particular view point. We should allow more conversation, more discussion, more ideas. Isn't that the definition of Diversity and Inclusion? When we silence everyone, isn't that fascism? The purpose of this post it to date the time when Consciousness Explorations is no longer tied to the Non-profit The Community House Network. This is critical because one of the funding sources that I have been utilizing is called Benevity. This source has you sign a lengthy statement that you will not break any of the acceptable standards of inclusion, that you will not affiliate with politics or religion, and if you do these things you will have to give back any monies you were donated. I don't know if they would ever come after me. but I don't want to take the chance. The reality is that I want the freedom to share whatever is on my heart in these posts, and right now I am feeling called to delve more deeply into politics and religion. In "The Teachings of Buddha" by Bukko Dendo Kyokai, he states there are 7 teachings which lead a country to prosperity: First, people shoudl assemble often to discuss political affairs... Whether Buddhism is a religion or a philosophy of life, we must start to allow these discussions to take place in our public forums. We have to increase communication, not silence conversations, or label them as misinformation. For this reason I am in the process of formally disassociating my non-profit with this Consciousness Explorations project. This will lead to freer expression, which is critical for spiritual development. These aspects of oneself are so deeply intertwined, I expect there will be dozens of entries on why this is the case, and it is my hope that these conversations will begin to open doors to others who have focused solely on their spirit, keeping them disconnected from the social order and therefore likely disconnected from their earthly purpose. |
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