Just sitting here contemplating good and evil...
Lately I have had the most striking experiences with technology, mostly with Youtube, since this is the domain where I spend the most amount of time. I believe God and higher beings can intervene in many many ways. It doesn't have to always be direct communication. I have a pretty good intuitive guidance system I can draw on to get info. I can sit and meditate and get answers to pressing questions, or sometimes, journal and get into flow, and the answers come, but lately I have been having an experience of receiving support for answers, or answers directly through youtube. This is such a schizophrenic thing to say, and yet it is very real. It is the essence of "magical thinking" as defined by the DSM, and yet is it also uncanny. It has happened multiple times in the past few weeks, and so I decided I will start monitoring these events. Starting with that from today. Yesterday I was in the hot tub doing breathwork. My breathwork has fallen off lately, maybe because I have somewhat less stress, and I don't absolutely need it to get through the day. I still ask God to show me if this is something negative or demonic. I saw a video of someone who was speaking against yoga asanas. Mostly when I do yoga, I do my own thing anyway. I am simply tuning in to my body and becoming aware. I even call it Embodied Awareness on the website. It is more accurate since I am not trained in Yoga officially, but did attend a masters program in Somatic Education. Needless to say, I am still finding my truth around the Christian path. I feel it drawing me, and I want to know Truth. I was doing the breathwork and as I went deeper into the exercise I saw the vision of a golden crown around my head, it was three halos that intersected. They were spinning beams. Then I had the awareness that I was entering more deeply into my body, that I was allowing or creating space for spirit to enter. I had the awareness that breathwork is preparing the temple for the spirit of God to Enter. I had the most gleeful thought. "It's not that I am playing God, rather I AM God playing human." I didn't say this outloud, or show it to anyone (I didn't even have my phone with me), and in less than 12 hours, I open my youtube to this... That was pretty neat. Is it just coincidence? Many say there are not coincidences. This magical nature of life is what makes it so wonderful to live.
I will start to share these phenomenon here, and let's see what comes through. If you have any please share in the comments. I made a post of the Yin and Yang of Good and now I am turning to Evil. I know that evil exists. What exactly is Evil? What can I identify that is universally true? It feels well worth examining, especially when I apply this to what I see around me. It is easy to know something is evil when it has the masculine or Yang energy. Maybe that is why the my friend confused masculinity with evil. This was the the conversation which started this series of entries. It is more subtle, and there for more insidious, when the evil is passive, or Yin. By understanding these distinction of Evil (yin and yang), I believe I can better understand the world. These distinctions can clarify where I need to put my energies to be effective in shining the light on evil. Many good people are participating in evil though these Yin energies. How can we bring more people out of passive compliance with what is wrong and shine the light on the evil dominating the world today.
I was talking about Good and Evil with a friend the other day, and he said there was no difference between them, just that they were on different frequencies. I can believe that. Then another friend chimed in and started talking about Masculine and Feminine energies. He mistakenly stated that discipline was on the side of "evil", although he didn't use this term. This made me realize that sometimes we have the mistaken believe that strength, harshness, or punitive discipline is negative. I started to contemplate the Yin and Yang of Goodness.
This is a short list, and certainly it could be lengthened. It is a worthy endeavor to examine your own patterns as they reflect how you interact. When is is appropriate and good to be more masculine in the response to a situation, and when it the Yin energy required.
It is interesting to see in our political realm that the two parties have become divided on some illusion that one is Yin and the other Yang. This is far from the truth, but it seems to be the illusion. The Left is considered to be more Yin. Soft on crime, allowing people to "Do as thou wilt." But in reality there are punitive and controlling elements of this political party. This illusion is evil, as by the definition of evil as a lie. There is also a celebration of activities that are causing a great deal of suffering. The normalization of self-mutilation of vulnerable populations, the supporting of and normalizing addiction rather than full abstenance and recovery for addicts, the allowing to stealing and the allowing of unborn children up to the 9th month to be aborted, in otherwords, the destruction of a living soul: These things are evil. The religious right also has evil elements regarding in particular condemnation and judgment, self-righteousness reigns in many circles. The Catholic Church has been exposed for its pedophelia rings, and historically the "right" has been the party of War. But none of this is the Christian doctrine. Over and over in the New Testament we are told not to judge. We are told not to kill. We are told to follow the commandments. Clearly, this is not about political parties. This is about understanding the complexity of goodness. How can we move away from the illusion that all things permissive are good, and all things restrictive are evil. Well we must deepen our own understanding of Good and Evil, and help our children develop this compass. This inner compass, which is the foundation for morality beyond religion, can be the greatest tool for advancing a just and kind society. What is eternally true, and what is temporary? In the sacred texts we are told that to know what is universally true is to understand God. Most of life is impermanance. All of the material world is impermanence. To stake ones life on material things is to build your castle on shifting sands.
How can I live to good purpose? I must work to align with universal truths. To be in God's grace, I must align with goodness. It doesn't surprise me that when we look around today at those who are seeking fame and fortune, that they often promote selfish material gains, and often use satanic imagry and lyrics. Essentially their goal is focused on what is illusion in the first place. God is more concerned with all things universal. Contemplating those things that are eternal helps us to view life from a spiritual perspective. Those of us who live and work in the world, can through these practices of contemplation of the highest essence of spiritual reality come to live a more purposeful life. This is how spirituality is grounded in the world and spiritual practices become one of the most pratical elements of personal development. It is a worthy endeavor to spend time yourself on these subjects. What do you consider eternally true? In the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible the tree which Eve was tempted by was one that would bring awareness of the difference between Good and Evil. To understand this is powerful. To be able to have knowledge of Good and Evil, means we must become aware of what is Evil. Why couldn't this be done in the Garden of Eden?
Some people say that everything is God. Defining God as everything can result in moral relativism. That is, if everything is God, and God is Good, then nothing can be evil or wrong, or in otherwords, evil is also good because it is from God. According to the theory of Chris Langan, God has a boundary. That boundary is essential to distinguishing between God and Evil. I ascribe to this as well. I believe that God is Good. The reason we had to be expelled from Heaven, where we were embodied in God's essence, is that we could not experience Evil and be a part of God. We had to become separate to experience Evil. There is no doubt in my mind that Evil exists. I see it all around this world. It has grown in power as we are able to connect. It has seduced our collective psyche, and I believe the moral relativism of saying there is no difference between Good and Evil is one way we are being led away from goodness, and away from God. What is we all ascribed to the essence of Good. What would the world be like? Well, it would be Paradise! What is the process of the awakening of consciousness? Is there a single most important element in one's awakening? Do we awaken like coming out of a dream all at once, or gradually over time start to have deeper and deeper experiences with God and Truth? For me the awakening has come in layers. A critical element in my own journey was the awakening out of what I call the "lie bubble". This lie bubble is the social agreement we have made to support a particular reality and not to question it, and even to deny those personal and verifiable experiences that do not fit in that definition. What is so exciting is that we are currently at a moment when many people have had one layer of the lie bubble dramatically exposed. Corruption is being brought to the light and people are having the blinders removed from their eyes. This period of revalation of Truth will be quite jarring for many. Some who have felt an uneasiness with what was presented to them, and who have longed to understand the true purpose of their existence, will greet these revelations with relief. Finally, I now understand, they will think. But now what? This next process is just as important, it requires self-compassion and patience. Once I see the lie, it can leave me with questions. What can I do about it? Where do I go from here? How do I navigate my way to a new understanding of the world without going into a state of total hopelessness and despair. There are many traps within this stage of the process of awakening. There will be the desire to tell everyone, and when the truth falls on deaf ears, discouragement can set in. This loss of hope is a trap. The important next step is to start to explore within. In meditation and prayer I can ask myself, Why am I here? What is this all about? I can even ask why we are experiencing this lie. If I am open, answers will come. I am currently taking a course by Roland McCraty of the Institute of HeartMath. Our second session was all about intuition. There is a powerful exercise they suggest in the HeartMath Institute to bring a question or concern to the intuition. This process of working with the intuition is a powerful technique for tuning into a deeper understanding of why we are here. I cannot receive this guidance from others, I must have a deep understanding from my own being. We all have our own unique life paths and purposes. Learning to direct attention to the higher self, or the larger self as Roland would call it, is the most effective way of knowing right action and solution. Freeze Frame Technique I have been watching the prophesy videos lately, and have come across several that speak of impending war. I can see how that would be a very real scenario, and I don't deny it. I also believe that the future is dynamic and depends on our actions. The other day I was reading the book of Jonah in the Bible. Everyone, even non religious folks, have heard the story of Jonah being trapped in the whale for 3 days. I believe even Disney made a movie with Mickey Mouse where this scenario happens. However, most do not know that he was fleeing from his responsibilities when this happened. That he had been called on by the Lord to warn the people of Nineveh and did not want to face the ridicule and scorn he feared he would receive. We all know how that turned out, God created the storm of all storms, and the ship crew on which Jonah had sought to escape threw him over board. He was swallowed by the whale and spent three days in darkness before repenting himself and finally taking up his duty to warn the people of Nineveh. It is quite amazing what happened next, unlike the people of Sodom and Gomorrah who ignored the warnings of Lot, the people of Ninevah all repented. God then gave them a reprieve. There is more to the story, which is all pretty great. But for these purposes, the awareness that repentance can lead to a different outcome. Can we turn from our corruption and appeal to God for mercy and protection. Of course we can, and we must. In a more positive prohesy, Mario Murillo calls for us to seek revival. He say, indeed Christianity will continue without the United States, but the United States will not continue without Christianity. |
January 2025
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