The other morning, I sat watching Youtube Shorts. Most were wholesome and made me feel positive emotions towards the shared stories. Grandpa Reacts was one thread that came up several times. A split screen showing grandpa's reaction to heartwarming posts, texts, email and the like.
I get nervous about wasting time watching shorts, so I kept my eye on the clock. When I looked up I saw it had only been about 10 minutes, I thought to myself, I can watch a bit more. The next time I looked at the clock an hour had gone by. I felt kindof disgusted with myself. For this New Year, I really want to spend less time consuming content, and more time creating content. Creating is what we are meant to do. We are creators. What we create is what we imprint on this world. What do you want to create for your life? This year for New Year's Day we are coming together to create a clear vision of what our heart is calling us to do in this New Year. This new Creative Purpose Journal, starts by asking you to tap into your heart's desire. What do you really want to experience? What do you want to create? What I desire right now more than anything, is some success. It has felt like a series of failures in my life over the past 4 years. So much frustration, and the feeling of little support. All of my work to create lcving community seemed like a huge flop. I want to see some success for my efforts! But is this even a goal? I really wonder. I actually think that is not a goal, but a consequence or outcome of working towards creating something worthy of success. I had the same problem with my original vision of the Community House Network. Starting with my heart's desire for loving community. Looking now at my original vision of creating Loving Community and the start of the Community House Network, I can see the issue. My desire to see loving community was met at every turn with conflict and competition. At the end of those first four years, my number one conclusion was that Loving Community was not a goal. That it was beyond my reach to create loving community. Well now I am at the same roadblock...asking myself the question, "Is success a goal, or simply an outcome?" So I decided to focus on what I can create. I can create books, blogs, curriculum. I can create paintings, artwork, songs and plays. I can even create a non-profit, or a business. These are the things I will create. All of them will be pointing me towards my bigger values of Freedom and Brotherhood. I can also support other's in their creative goals, and maybe, just maybe, these will lead to loving community. What else would someone do with their time than to create things that lead us to a path of connection and purpose. I am greatful for this new year and new chance to embrace my creative gifts and call to all the creators out there to do the same. Just create without judging. A year of this practice is sure to bring some beautiful inner truths out into the world.
2024 was a powerful transition year for many of us. Me included. When we go through turbulent times with awareness and intention we can use those shifting sands to create a better world for ourselves, our loved ones, and the entire planet. According to many traditions, this is one of the most holy times of the year. It is meaningful that Hanukkah and Christmas are synchronized this year. Setting goals and connecting to our hearts desire at this time is propitious.
My biggest hope for all of us is that we start to embrace our individual purpose. The philosophy of Ubuntu says that when each of us shares our gifts and are true to who we are, we uplift all of humanity. We can be living in a very different world when we follow our hearts desires and share our gifts with the world. That is what we were meant to do. Last year, for New Year’s Day, we set our goals in different areas of our lives, and some started using the Get Into Action 30 day challenge journal to move towards those goals. I don’t know if anyone had any success with it, but for me it was invaluable. It also showed me that success was more likely when I was truly clear about my goals. So I created an updated version, and I would love to share it with you. You can find the book linked as a PDF here, or you can order it on amazon if you prefer to have a journal you can write on, here is the link This latest journal is designed to help you focus your energy towards a personal creative goal. The small actions each day are flexible, but the ultimate goal remains the same. If you want to join us on New Year's Day, we will work and share together to set some powerful goals for the New Year. Bring a pen, paper, even colored pencils or other art materials as we tap into our heart’s desires and envision an amazing 2025 together! Goal Setting Begins 1PM CST January 1st, 2025 In person (starts at 12 noon to get set up and have some snacks!) 800 W. Thrush Ave Peoria, IL 61604 ON ZOOM: Abigail Larrison is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Live Your Purpose Time: Jan 1, 2025 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 851 6529 1580 Passcode: NYD2024 There are many spiritual aspirants who focus on the elimination of ego. Personally, I was one of them. I remember when I was at a gathering with the SelfDesign Graduate Institute and was speaking with Fleurette Sweeney. I mentioned overcoming ego, and she was a bit horrified. "We need our ego!" she said. That stuck with me for quite awhile. Something to think about for sure.
This was such a shift from everything I had heard through a number of spiritual communities, and yet the more I contemplated this, the more it rang true. Of course we need our egos if we are to navigate this social world and make sense of our role in society. We can transcend our egos for some time, explore all the possibilities of the non-dual infinite universe, but eventually to participate in this human drama, it is useful to come back down and find our place in the world. Personally, my mission is to help people uncover their spiritual gifts, help them awaken to their higher selves, and learn to love themselves as God sees them. To do this I need my ego. I have to navigate quite a few of the social structures if I choose to be involved this way. The key is to develop a mature ego. A mature ego has transcended the attatchments to the lower vibrational states. A mature ego is seeking for higher goals. A mature ego is flexible, patient and aware of the bigger picture. It is able to disidentify with thought, emotion and even the physical body. When this distance is created, it allows for the higher or larger self to intercede or intervene in complex situations. It also protects from many of the personality disorders so rampant in our society today. Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D. writes, "Fundamentally, the Ego has a set of psychic functions able to distinguish between fantasy and reality. It organizes thoughts and makes sense of the world. The Ego represents reason and common sense (Siegfried, 2014). Freud regarded Ego as a coherent organization of mental processes. Ego death represents a complete loss of subjective self-identity." I am coming to believe that narcissism is a form of complete identification of self as ego: A constructed and projected image of self. This identification leaves no room for the I AM to participate, resulting in a disconnect with the higher self. This is why so many of the spiritual community say we need to drop the ego: that ego death is the desired state. As much as I often disagree with Freud, I find it interesting that he considered Schizophrenia connected to narcissism. He states that the schizophrenic has "a regression of the ego into primary narcissism". This interests me because of the connection between spiritual experiences and the psychotic break. The psychotic break is a separation from this 3D reality. Are these psychotic episodes the immature ego being blasted open from spiritual experiences? Such breaks can be drug induced, or happen through traumatic, life-shaking experiences, such as death, life challenges, trauma, anything that causes , one to question their reality and identity. An immature ego, or a narcissistic ego, will have a hard time with this process because they do not have an anchor into their deeper I AM self. They will flounder about in the spiritual realm with no where to turn. They are subject to demonic influences, and all the elements of the unseen realm. Without a guide, these souls will struggle to find themselves. This is why I have always felt that the work on the self, coming to know and love oneself, is the critical componenet in any spiritual path. This is not the narcissistic self love of the ego, but the love of the divine spark of God which has been embodied here. Once I can connect to the presence of God within me, this is my anchor. I will no longer be tossed around by the storm, but steady in my connection. I have for the most part been in my own little bubble about what I believe is true, and have only recently been rudely awakened to the woke culture around me. I had of course, as every good college and graduate program in the 21st century requires, been subjected to the Critical Race Theory course in which I was required to say I was a racist, because I am white. I challenged this assumption, and even took the implicit racial bias indicator test that showed I was moderately bias "towards" blacks. I already knew this about myself. There is a spiritual openness among blacks in this country. You can feel it. You can experience it in the churches. You can experience it in the interactions with one another. There is less filtering, more openness, and more authenticity. I left this class determined not to buy into this nonsense, and to work in a multicultural community. My sister, on the otherhand, lives on 5th avenue in Manhattan and works at Google. We were planning interviews with leaders, and she was worried about interviewing black leaders. It is not my culture, she told me. I told her, that I was not playing that game. I said, "My community is very mixed, and many black community leaders I consider to be an integral part of my community and mission." Later, in another conversation, I mentioned the process of becoming aware of blindspots, and she called me out on using that term, saying we should use the term "non-obvious" instead of blind. This was nonsensical to me, and I ignored it. Probably the most serious encounter with woke culture happened two summers ago. I was at a music conference, and there was something bizarre happening. So many of the traditional songs were being censored. For example, we could no longer sing "Skip to my Loo" because of the section where they sing, "Shoo fly, don't bother me." It all sounded so ridiculous. There was a woman there who had come from Communist Russia, and she said the whole thing eerily reminded her of how everything changed in her country during the Communist Revolution. She was the first person I heard use the word "castration", in reference to what was happening to young boys who were experiencing gender dysphoria. Now the conversation is out in the open. Hopefully, this madness will stop. There is one element of this ideology that has firmly preceeded the transgender agenda. It is the reckoning of the genocide of the Native American people. I do not doubt that as the United States grew, a genocide occurred. But what was bizarre to me was that all of this has been placed at the feet of Christopher Columbus. For some reason, he has become the fall guy for all things related to genocide. Many of his statues around the country have been removed. Columbus day is now Indigenous People's Day. But it came to my doorstep, when sitting at the Community House on Columbus Day 2022, a couple community members said we should go squat at the kids house. They were both white women who said this, and I was confused. They claimed they were being like Columbus, who just came and took over the land that wasn't his. I felt confused, because what I knew of Columbus was that he was an explorer, and scientist. He wasn't conquering or going to war with the New World. He was sent to explore. As the conversation went deeper, I was informed by these ladies, that Columbus was a rapist and murderer. This was just too much. Was this true? I had to do some research. What I found out was disturbing, not because Columbus was what they claimed, but because history was being rewritten. Indeed I was able to find a citation where Columbus talks about how naive and innocent the people he encountered were. He said it would be easy to take advantage of them. What is disgraceful is that I found these statements to have been written out of context. There were lesson plans insinuating that Columbus actually did abuse the people of these territories. These lesson plans only included part of the letter, the part where he says how easy it would be to take advantage of the native people. If you go further in the letter, Columbus clearly states that he has reprimanded his crew for any mistreatment of the islanders. This section was excluded, and the entire framing was that of villianizing Columbus. My research indicated Columbus was a God-fearing man. He signed every letter with reference to his Lord. He was a Christian and he was fiercely loyal to his country and the Queen of Spain. What many don't know is that he was excommunicated from his country at the end of his life. When he returned to Spain, like all explorers to the Americas, he was forced to pay 1/5 of all of his goods to the crown. Columbus argued that the fee was too high, and this put him at odds with his country. It made me sad to see our history re-written. So, I was curious when I heard RJ Spina talk about Christopher Columbus as an Ascended Master. Spina stated Columbus was the same consciousness as St. Germaine, and that in that incarnation, he was charged with finding territory for the experiment of the United States, where all countries, people of all cultures, would come together and self-govern. This is a powerful story of how God has played a role in the creation of the United States. The experiment of a country For the People, By the People. I have talked a little about how the NWO wants us to hate ourselves. They also want us to hate our country. This will make it easier for them to institute their power structure. Under a scenario of hatred of country, no one would defend the Constitution. Americans would easily give up their sovergnty and join the one world government. This is why, I believe, understanding the truth of the US Constitution and the origins of our country from the spiritual perspective is so important. As a spiritual seeker, I am interested in Truth. This means that at times, I will be drawn into world affairs. When this happens, I must align myself with the collective highest timeline, and seek to connect what is happening in my own life, with the evolution of our collective consciousness. I believe that my choices can make a difference. Even the small ones, because they will ripple out. So speak Truth, and lean towards goodness, and we will see the experiment of Freedom and Brotherhood prevail. Christians understand that this world is corrupt. They know that they cannot fix this fallen world. They know that there will always be corruption here. So what does that mean with respect to addressing injustice?
I have been pondering this question as I am faced with issues of what I see as injustice in our local government that has landed on my doorstep. I can see what is happening is wrong. I have been affected, but more importantly, so are other people, who are less able to stand-up to these city officials, and who are more deeply impacted by the fines they impose. Christianity asks us not to judge. But there is a difference between judging someone and preventing them from harming another. An act of love for one's neighbor is protecting them from the abuses of those who would weild their power over them. I am lucky. I have resources. I have intellectual abilities that would allow me to advocate for myself. Many of my neighbors have disabilities, both physical and mental, that impair their ability to stand up for themselves. The bigger question is, Why should we have to stand up against the government that is meant to be of service to our community? Of course, this is why Christianity is so powerful, because there is already a firm awareness that the world is corrupt. So the question is, what do we do about it? We love one another. We love and protect our neighbors and our neighborhood. So instead of fighting against, we are fighting for. Protecting those who cannot protect themselves. With this attitude we will have God on our side. From the Website: Life Hope and Truth John urged us to “not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18). Asaph the psalmist wrote that God is looking for those who will “defend the poor and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy; free them from the hand of the wicked” (Psalm 82:3-4). Isaiah echoed, “Seek justice, rebuke the oppressor; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow” (Isaiah 1:17). Paul admonished, “As we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:10, emphasis added throughout). There’s no getting around it: a Christian who is content to turn a blind eye to the injustices suffered by others is missing the point of what it means to be a Christian. |
January 2025
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