Many people have heard about Kirlian photography, but they may not realize that the name comes from the Russian couple who developed this technique for visualizing the energy body of living and non-living things. This was probably one of my favorite chapters in the book, Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain.
The story of these two scientists who continued to research the power of this technique in a small room in their home they had converted into a laboratory reminded me of the passion and dedication I saw in the pursuit of scientific discovery during my own days at Rutgers, CMBN. I always though the world could end, and there would still be a few people in the lab running one more experiment. Nonetheless, this husband and wife team, Semyon and Valentina Kirlian, had an uphill battle to convince the public of the value of their work. There were several things of particular interest in this chapter of the book. First was the way in which one's own energy field could influence and disrupt the function of the camera. Secondly was the way in which the camera could detect subtle energy changes that were undetectable to the human eye, but were indicators of disease. Thirdly, that the energy body continued to exist even after the physical body aspect of the object was gone. In this case, I am referring to the cut leaf experiments, which were originally performed by a separate Russian scientist. In these experiments, a section of a living leaf is cut, and a Kirlian photograph is taken. In case after case, it is possible to see an entire ouline of the original leaf in the photograph. What could this mean? I am not an expert in this subject, but I do have a couple of my own experiences to share regarding these findings. First, several years back, I had an aura photo taken. I was at a Mind, Body, Spirit Expo in Chicago. If you have never attended one of these events, I highly recommend it. They are inexpensive, and filled with a world of spiritual practitioners. It was here that I was first introduced to the teachings of GMCKS and his bioenergy technique, Pranic Healing. This particular year, I had been feeling ill. I tried a yoga technique that was supposed to help with balancing your energy, and I did feel a bit better. After the session I went to have an aura photograph. It really wasn't very pretty. All along the left side of my head and shoulders was a dark brown color. The right was much lighter. I continued to walk around the expo, and at one booth, a man gave me a two pointed Tibetan crystal and told me to wave it up and down on the left side of my head and shoulders. I hadn't shown him my photo, and he had no other reason to suggest this action, except that likely he was able to see auras. As it turns out, not long after this, I had a rather serious stroke that affected my left hemisphere of my brain, and disrupted my speech. Clearly this energy photography had been able to detect the blockage before I had the serious event. Another experience was much less verifiable through material means, but was nonetheless a profound experience. I was camping at Mount Shasta in Northern California. It was retreat organized by Gene Ang, and at the time I was pretty broke, so I chose to camp instead of stay in a hotel. Today I would choose to camp even though I certainly can afford a hotel. These are the most beautiful camping grounds anywhere, with the most pristine water source. Truly inspiring the presence of God. I was in an area where many trees had fallen. Just by natural causes. I could see, however, a ray of light extending from each base where the tree had previously extended. It was as if I could see their energy body. I started to play with the streaming energy and I could feel it radiating like an antenna up to the heavens. The authors refer to Kirlian photography as a "window to the Unknown". How is it that we have come so far in the technology of AI, and we have moved so slowly in the technologies of understanding ourselves, our own energy bodies, and our own Natural Intelligence? The political will to push us to adopt Artificial Intelligence in leiu of our own greater capacities for knowing is one that can lead us in a dangerous direction against our God given abilities. Causing us to adopt the truth as it is presented from a manmade "god". Consciousness studies need to include what these scientific tools demonstrate, so that we can go beyond the straight materialist view of the human body and understand that we are spiritual and multidimensional beings.
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