What does it mean to be aligned with your highest vision of your life? What if this were possible? What if we each had the capability to live out a life of deep meaning and purpose?
So many of us feel this deep longing for more than what is in front of us. We see the suffering and confusion. We want to do something in the world to change the course of what seems like inevitable self-destruction. We may feel like we don't fit in here. These can't be my people. How did I get here? This state of confusion is an incredible jumping off point for discovering more deeply what it is you are here to create in the world.
An important way to connect to that higher purpose is to build the connection of our conscious mind to that still inner guidance that is always there. In this course we refer to this as the higher self. The higher self may have access to the subconscious as well as to spiritual help in other planes of reality.
What we hope to do here is to build a connection to that higher self, and look more deeply at what is laid our before us in the spiritual realm. Can I look at the map of my divine plan? Can I glimpse behind the veil and become the driver rather than just the passenger in my life journey?
In some spiritual practices this is called the Antahkarana, the Bridge to the Sacred "The antahkarana is a Sanskrit term. In Eastern philosophy it is the name given to the bridge that connects the lower mind with the higher mind (mind of the soul). Through it, an individual is able to realize the soul’s profound love and wisdom. "
The work of this course is mostly in the spiritual realm. This is different from the prevous two courses which are working on healing and connecting to the self (Strengthening the Core), and working in the world (Inspired Action). The basic purpose of Aligning with Your Divine Blueprint is to connect to and bring into conscious awareness those subtle truths about why each of us is here.
Ultimately, this course is intended to help each individual learn how to “see” into the higher planes of their life. To look beyond the short term hassles and struggles and into the deep and powerful place each of our lives holds in the world.
This is the work of the Karmic-Causal plane. Many lightworkers and those working with subtle energies focus on the Etheric and Astral plane to heal physical and emotional issues in their clients. What does it mean to begin our work in the Causal plane? If we understand the big picture we know where to put our energies. If we start to work at this higher level, we will be maximizing our efforts to support the positive evolution of our social structures. This higher perspective approach will help us evolve in leaps and bounds!
The question is how can we begin this work? Time to investigate together.
The goal of this course is to help each individual better understand, see into, and align with one's highest intentions in life. We hope to take guidance from the knowledge from the esoteric sciences. Through taking a tour of the various levels of our spiritual anatomy, we will grow in our understanding of our own multi-dimensional nature, and open the window of potential unfolding of higher cognitive capacities. The basics can be divided into physical (which we will only involve indirectly here), the etheric, the astral, the mental and the causal bodies. These subtle bodies each have unique properties and we plan to experiment with each, attempting to better understand both their unique properties, as well as the relationship of the one to the other. We will spend one month, moving through each of these one at a time.
This process is thought to be a means of moving into an understanding of the causal plane. The reason for this is based on what is known as the neurosequential approach. In neuroscience, there is a new understanding of how we unfold cognitive capacities in the brain. For example, language acquisition occurs during a particular window, when all of the pieces are in place, and the child is ready to learn. This period of unfolding of capacity is called the critical period of development. The critical period is triggered by experiences.
There is a phenomenon that occurs where the right experiences are not provided. This has been most well defined in instances of neglect. Bruce Perry has developed a protocol where he is able to awaken the dormant processes through going back to the earliest developmental stages and providing those early experiences in sequential order. This seems to awaken the unfolding process and the brain begins to develop fully. As the general laws of nature apply equally to the physical as to the spiritual, we hope to use this same approach to awaken our highest spiritual capacities.
Everyone of us claims to understand the physical plane and physical body. However, most of our days are spent completely unaware of our physical self and our physical surroundings. We are lost in our thoughts, worries and plans. We don't notice our bodies, the way the move, the way we breathe, or even the surroundings we pass through each day.
Awakening to our physical beings can be a profoundly empowering experience.
This is the first step of our journey towards aligning with our higher self, Aligning with Our Divine Blue Print.
Using this approach (that is awakening the higher planes by moving consciously through the lower planes) we will start with the etheric plane.
Of course the etheric is preceded by the physical, but since we will assume that the material plane is well established to some point in us all, then we will start with the next plane.
The etheric is the invisible physical, liquid energy of our world. I like the definition here.
The next phase of entry would be into the Astral realm. This realm always confused me. There is something very paradoxical here. We will have to experiment together.
This is the domain of the emotions and the will. We could spend a long time here understanding how to use our emotional body rightly. For example, we do not need to freeze any time we feel the slightest nervous energy. In fact, Dean Radin writes that a type of excitatory anticipation is necessary for engaging in manifestation.
If we feel nervous, do we start to add additional negative thoughts? Or can we channel that energy toward a project that is desiring to be born.
Our emotions are our inner compass. It is our job to learn to read the compass rightly, and use the information to guide our next steps.
The Mental Body is the next higher domain. Becoming aware of and responsible for our thoughts is critically important to spiritual development. We are lucky to be in an age where spiritual knowledge is so readily available. In times past, only the intellegencia were able to understand the writings couched in code. However, it is important that we use the knowledge rightly. It makes me think of the myth of the Book of Thoth. Just as the mind is the source of initiation to wisdom, it can also be the source of Maya (illusion).
Once we have some responsibility, and understand the traps of the mind we are ready to enter the Causal Plane.
Here we are understanding Dharma and Karma. When we reach this stage we begin to become a free player in our destiny. We will have the ability to know what free will truly is.
I am so excited to start this journey with you all. Spiritual awakening is a continuous process, and each step is like an expansion of consciousness. Let’s go expand together.
There are no set rules for how to engage with this course material, and I am not the director, but a participant like you.
We are co-creating this course together, and if things work, we can develop it further and share it with others.
All participants have the same value with regard to contribution to and direction of the course.
Each member has great value in their own experience.
Your experience is your own, and is right.
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