Consciousness explorations emerged from a shared desire of a group of friends who wanted to better understand how to live a fully realized life. The first exploration was Aligning with Your Divine Blueprint. The project lasted about 6 months or so, and then fizzled. Lives got busy and people moved away. My life continued and so did my search for answers.
Although the course may have been considered a "bust", at the end of the 6 months I had an incredible burst of creative insight. I materialized a form of math that I had been playing with for years. It utilizes a visual-spatial way to understand the relationship between numbers using a base-ten circle. You can check it out here. The point is not to promote this math, or the website for that matter, but to share how the course was ultimately such a powerful experience that it resulted in this incredible creative flow. I had never done anything quite like that before, and it opened me up to wanting to work with harnessing the creative genius within.
This past summer I took it upon myself to write again. However, this time it turned into one course, and then another and finally there were three more courses added to our initial offering of AYDB. The time came to share our discoveries with others on this path of self-discovery. We hope it is a means of living a more fully awake and conscious experience of this precious gift we call life.
The series of four courses offered here have been developed collaboratively based on developing three critically important aspects of the self.
The core self - Strengthening the Core
The creative self - Be Creative and Live a Spectacular Life
The self in the world - Inspired Action
The self in the divine order - Aligning with Your Divine Blueprint
These courses are open to all who wish to work more deeply in the world.
Although the course may have been considered a "bust", at the end of the 6 months I had an incredible burst of creative insight. I materialized a form of math that I had been playing with for years. It utilizes a visual-spatial way to understand the relationship between numbers using a base-ten circle. You can check it out here. The point is not to promote this math, or the website for that matter, but to share how the course was ultimately such a powerful experience that it resulted in this incredible creative flow. I had never done anything quite like that before, and it opened me up to wanting to work with harnessing the creative genius within.
This past summer I took it upon myself to write again. However, this time it turned into one course, and then another and finally there were three more courses added to our initial offering of AYDB. The time came to share our discoveries with others on this path of self-discovery. We hope it is a means of living a more fully awake and conscious experience of this precious gift we call life.
The series of four courses offered here have been developed collaboratively based on developing three critically important aspects of the self.
The core self - Strengthening the Core
The creative self - Be Creative and Live a Spectacular Life
The self in the world - Inspired Action
The self in the divine order - Aligning with Your Divine Blueprint
These courses are open to all who wish to work more deeply in the world.
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