I am not sure when I really became fascinated with numbers, but they seem to be coming up a lot for me lately. Very often, those who have had OBEs or NDEs are presented with knowledge of sacred geometry and numerology. People who would call numerology a hack or pseudoscience fail to realize that numbers are inherent in nature. Numbers are the immutable language of the Universe.
Ever since reading Cosmic Trigger in college, I have loved the number 23. The 23 pairs of chromosomes that make up human DNA. All the greatest sports stars have the number 23! Think Michael Jordan <3 And, of course, not to be forgotten, the obsession over the number by the twisted mind of William S. Burroughs, author of Naked Lunch. So now we enter 2023 and it is not surprising that I am feeling more connected to the spiritual work needed on the planet more than ever. According to Jennifer McLean, this is the year of the Lightworker! I can not wait. Jennifer McLean has been an important part of my own healing journey. She came out of the business world and entered the realm of spirituality and parapsychology years ago. She hosts space for healer, psychics and other gifted individuals to share their light. Every year she hosts Predictions Week at the start of the new year. Dr. Robert Pease is one of her favorites. He gives the numerological forecast for this year. From his intro: Numerology for 2023… it's an extraordinary year. 7 year… 2+0+2+3=7 permeates the year. Personal number is your month+day+2023 = personal year. In Pythagorean 7 is the ultimate number… the philosopher stone, merlin magician energy… the deeper of what is under our standing. It is about digging deeper but not in a burdensome way. It’s a quest year. Time to set an intention for the adventure we desire. It is ultimately a journey year. The themes are: truth, wisdom, inquisitiveness, and the desire to learn and grow. It is a time of study ad exchange of ideas. Expect clearer, transparent conversations. 2023 is a year of introspection introverts will love this year. Extraverts can reflect the inner out through the moment. You can leverage what you learned from the past. We will gain more present awareness to guide us in new thoughts in our daily life. 7 = practical creativity and putting the pieces together. Now we can take what we’ve experienced and know what to do with it. Put the tapestry together and see, “Ah ha, that’s why.” Take the “scratching head moments” and now understand what they are about. 7 will ask you to slow down more and gain a footing in your lives, finding a new rhythm. We can now slow down and bit and breathe. White rabbit year under Chinese numerology. Gain a deeper perspective. An opportunity to gain new ways of thinking and acting. Polishing the edges buff it up. Take the what’s and whys and now apply them. More developed. The illusion of the maze will be revealed in a larger view and not cramped in, isolated, alienated, and alone. Freer movement into divine blessings. 7 is also the “god number,” tapping into the divine is available to us this year. If you would like to see what her lineup of psychics has to say for our upcoming year you can check it out here. https://www.predictionsweek.com/predictions-week-2022-access#section--46874
Buddhism and Christianity represent the head and the heart of spiritual enlightenment. These two beautiful spiritual paths do not conflict, rather they support the growth of individuals in complimentary ways.
Buddhism is a mental path to enlightenment. It is one that is effective for intellectuals since it works with one's mental faculties. Christianity is a heart centered path. It is focused on love and unity. It is most effective for the empath and highly emotionally sensitive type. Ultimately the goal of each will bring the practitioner closer to the image of God. Through the 8 fold path of Buddhism, I become less destructive in my thoughts, words, and actions. I learn to see things without the biases and judgements of my social conditioning. I walk a path of goodness and righteousness. Through Buddha consciousness I see accurately the connection of all things. I become one with everything. Through the Christian path, I strive to become more Christ-like. I learn to love and see my brother as myself. I lean towards goodness and righteousness, and learn the true meaning of forgiveness. Compassion, love and forgiveness are my creed. Through Christ consciousness I see the presence of God in all things. I see myself as a part of this oneness. Both of these paths complement one another. The Buddhist path can benefit from the warmth of love felt on the Christian path, and the Christian path can benefit from the effortful removal of all negative conditioning provided by the 8-fold path. Christian arrogance is one of the most destructive forces in our churches today. Christians often fail to follow the true teachings of Jesus when they begin to see themselves as superior to other religious paths. Instead of loving their brother as the Christian teachings speak of, they condemn them to hell. This is why so many spiritual seekers no longer resonate with the path of Christianity. It has been perverted by the judgmental arrogance of so many of those who would proclaim it to be theirs and theirs alone. Christ consciousness is everyone's birthright. The awakening of the mind, body and spirit is the goal of humanity. It is our goal to work together to uplift and encourage each of our brothers and sisters to discover their light within and shine it out into the world. So no matter what your religious beliefs may be, remember to see within each other the truth of God's eternal light, love and goodness. Seek to find this within yourself, and encourage others to do the same. Love Thy Neighbor! |
January 2025
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