Cosmic Creativity: Art is an Echo of the Creative Force the Birthed the Galaxies. Creativity is the way that the Cosmos Evolves and Communicates with Itself. - Alex Grey
As I am preparing for our next session together, I have come across a Ted Talk by Alex Grey. What an incredible gift he has in expressing the spiritual nature of reality through visionary art. Check him out here: "Visionary art matters because the mystical visionary experience of the Artist is the most direct contact we have with the divine. All sacred art and religious traditions are founded on this mystic state. The best currently available technology for sharing the mystic visionary experience is a well-crafted artistic rendering by an eye-witness" We can say this to be true of all of the inner states. The artistic rendering of these provides a window into the emotional, soul-based and spiritual dimensions of our reality. When we do this, we can take a look at what is going on with a new perspective. What a powerful tool for us all.
The point of Consciousness Explorations is to help us learn to work with our consciousness in an effective way. When we can do this we can live a life we want to live and create a world we want to live in. Learning to work consciously with our thoughts and emotions is perhaps on of the most important goals of our lives. So what about FEAR?! Is there a way to work effectively with fear?
Here is Eckart Tolle’s take on the subject. Throughout history there have been examples of fears causing people to go mute. In fact, our nervous system is designed that way. When we experience intense fear, a region of the brain called Broca’s area, completely shuts down. This region is responsible for our ability to speak. So in fear, we become mute. We lose our voice. Fear has the power to control, and to throw us off course. It draws us into what we don’t want to create. The compelling power of this spooky world wherein we have no control, is inexplicable. Fear causes us to make decisions that are not in our highest good. In fear we struggle to fix things that may not even exist. A life of fear-based decisions will leave us wondering what to do next. It is one based on putting out fires (usually imaginary fires at that) of trying to survive rather than on striving towards a bigger vision with persistent faith and conviction. Fear is one of the few emotions that I can find little use for. Anger seems to allow a focused energy, anxiety, even, can be seen as a type of motivating force, but fear always seems to isolate me and leave me feeling paralyzed. I wonder if any of you can see something of value in fear. Join us this week as we explore ways to over-come fear using our creative energies. Abigail Larrison is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: May Full Moon- On Fear Time: May 26, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 873 9764 1660 Passcode: Create One tap mobile +13126266799,,87397641660#,,,,*844900# US (Chicago) +13017158592,,87397641660#,,,,*844900# US (Washington DC) Desire is a powerful part of the creative process. It is the emotional energy that we feel in the heart felt performance. I remember not so long ago I attended a workshop with Mark Earlix. He is a natural healer that I had been introduced to when we were seeking alternative therapies for my step-mom Sue as she battled cancer.
It was one of the most unusual workshops I have ever attended. He told stories throughout the several days we spent together, and then we were given exercises to move ourselves into the state of healing and manifesting consciousness. He said desire was one of the elements that could create a powerful state of manifestation. (notably he also spoke about manifesting out of anxiety--although that seems a less preferable way to go.) I was able to tap into this, and I see how powerful it is in shifting my state of consciousness, transforming unwanted thought patterns, and how especially effective it is in the act of creating! Here I share with you a morning song writing process where I discuss this idea. Hope you enjoy it. It All Started with Seeing the Goodness in You Here is the finished song.... This month we are inviting you to engage in a creativity challenge. This extends the open challenge to give a focus to the creative energy.
As we are all creators, creating the life and things we experience though our thoughts and emotions, why not start to shift our focus, and create the life we desire. I am listening to Josiah Brandt read Neville Goddard, and I am particularly fascinated by this section... I recall working with a therapist some years back, who talked to me about how my vibration was attracting the state of my existence, and that I may have discovered ways to occasionally move into those positive states I desired, but that the majority of the time I was in a low, depressed, and despairing state of mind. She called it a flickering light. So how do we shift and stay in that higher state? I have found that the shorter my visits to the lower thought plane (or low road as we talked about in our last class) the more I feel myself, and my strength in that space of the high road. But what about those particularly sticky life areas that just seem to drop us down and we can't get out? I have found I can use those spaces as jumping of places. As reminders to focus on the way I want the world to be. One particularly difficult experience I have had was with being taken advantage of. When I couldn't stop the negative thoughts and emotions, I turned to a powerful tool. I created an affirmation with a sigil. The affirmation was "I am surrounded by people who are whole - Honest, Integrous, Trustworthy" Then I created a sigil with the first letter of the words. I also created a movement based on Eurhythmy and wrote a song. When I became triggered I would sing the song to myself. It seemed to work. Now I am sharing this with you in hopes that you too can find a way to shift and remain in a higher, positive state so that you may become the expression of yourself you seek to experience in the world. |
January 2025
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