If anyone has followed our New Year's programming we have offered up the opportunity to take advantage of the energy of the new year through the creating of a 30 day challenge (or more). Personally, I find the power of the new irrepressible. To harness this energy to build towards something seems obvious.
Today is a powerful date 11-11-22. It seems to be beaconing to take on a new challenge. This year has been hard for the Community House Network. It was necessary for financial reasons to let go of our paid staff and move towards an entirely volunteer organizational structure. Even with our staff, we have yet to create the real and meaningful connections with our neighbors that will help us become what we intend to be. One question is why? Starting a community project in the middle of Covid didn't help, but also, in our community, like many around us, trust is hard to come by. So we are working on it, one family at a time. In the meantime, why not increase our online presence. It is so much easier for people to enter into the online space than the 3-D. So, that is the goal and that is the challenge. Through our Consciousness Explorations programming we have created quite a bit of content already. The challenge is to get this content available to our local and online community. To let people join the conversation, online, and then perhaps eventually in person. Challenge: Post one new video a day for the next 100 days. Since I have not posted much, and have not done much (almost none) video editing, this challenge will also represent a new learning experience. Learning is natural. It takes focus of our interest towards something, continued curiosity and effort, exploration and discovery. Learning is fun! When we reach those new levels of competency and understanding we get a natural dopamine boost! So why not take on your own new challenge? Ask yourself what you want to learn? What do you want to improve on? What do you want to share with the world, or just for you alone? And watch as we take the steps to share what we have been doing over the last year, while learning how to use video editing software and youtube. Check out our new youtube channel - Consciousness Explorations - or check it out sometime soon, since today there won't be much to see. Happy Creating!
You know the old saying GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out), well it is true for our conscious mind as well. When we fill up on junk food we are sluggish and muddled in our thoughts. I have long ago stopped watching the news. Not that I don't care about what is going on in the world, but the mainstream media does not portray an understanding that will bring us together. The mainstream media typically fosters divisiveness, and fear. Both of these create a state of consciousness that further separates us. If one of the most significant goals for humanity is to recognize our interconnected oneness, then the mainstream media is actually an incredibly destructive force in the evolution of our consciousness. And what about social media, or other sources of information? I haven't been on Facebook in about 15 years, until just recently when I was nudged back into the scene out of the need to make the activities at the Community House Network more public. I don't typically spend much time on it, partly because I don't know how to use it. However, I am what you might call a "Youtube junkie". I can find myself getting lost in videos on Youtube, and although I start off with meditation and consciousness uplifting content, I often find myself watching murder podcasts, or even just those mind-numbing videos of shorts of cooking or crafts. Those time wasters that hold my attention like glue. Youtube has obviously recognized the power of these shorts and now has a feature where very shorts 30 second to 1 minute videos pop-up and start moving on your screen. A highlight of a full video and very attention grabbing. All of these things are vying for my attention, and I have to remember my consciousness is more precious than gold. What do I really want to spend it on? More importantly, what do I want to bring into my field of consciousness? Probably because of Halloween, but nonetheless perturbing, I opened up Youtube the other day and I had nothing by witchcraft, and "evil" and murder videos show up. I started going through one by one and selecting the command "Don't recommend this channel again". I did this for about a day, and then I started to increase my critera for what was not acceptable. I decided anything that could be considered click-bait. Something with a sensational title. Another day of clean-up, and then finally day 3 I decided to block anything that was truly a waste of time and did not serve my personal growth or interests. Three days of cleaning my input, and now I have the most amazing video feeds. I have been exposed to some new meditation sites, and I am not spending time falling for the click-bait. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to improve their screentime experience. So what will be your criterion for cleaning up your input? |
July 2024
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