For our full moon session, we took the opportunity to examine our hearts desires, how those desires reflected our values. Finally, we looked at our goals, focusing on a challenging goals that seemed blocked. We examined how this goal and actions were in alignment with our values.
My personal experience bumped up against one area of the Community House project that has been particularly stubborn in its emergence has been the First Apprentice program. The session gave me new insights and created a breakthrough in my thinking. I am now moving forward with the project in a new way, one that is in integrity with the entire approach of the Community House project--one of emergence, and co-creation. You can see our progress here. Perhaps the questions shared by Carissa can help you with your stubborn blocks as well. The first question asked to consider what I desired in my life, to tune into desire, I used attraction. So ask yourself... Question 1. What Are My Desires? What am I drawn towards, what pulls me in, what am I attracted to? These can be real or imagined. It could be a loving relationship, a fancy house, a successful career, lots of money, a passport full of stamps. It could be an aspect of someone's personality. If you get stuck. You can try asking yourself any of these questions: Are there any achievements that you wish you’ve attained? What? Anyone you look up too? Why? Anyone you're jealous of? Why? Remember, no judging yourself, don’t worry if it seems shallow or egotistical etc, no right or wrong answers Question 2. Now Go Deeper Ask Yourself: If you had that which you are drawn to or desire, what would that mean? What would that look like? What would your life look like? What would you get out of this? Question 3. Next Layer Down If you got all those "results" what would that mean? What would that look like? These questions are meant to connect you to the things you value. Look for the themes, for example, I identified Freedom, Fulfillment, and Flexibility. I would underline those words. I’m also scanning and taking a mental note of any patterns and and any priorities emerging. I've identified being with loved ones and meaningful experiences. FInal Question and Goal Challenge Ok, so lets take a minute and briefly write down a life goal that you currently have, big or little. A goal that just won’t seem to budge, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to make progress with this goal. Below the goal you've written down, write out the list of the words you've underlined from the previous journal question along with any themes you identified. For example: Freedom, Fulfillment, Flexibility, Being with loved ones and Meaningful experiences Are these goals in alignment with your values? With what lights you up? Ask yourself: -If they are in alignment, has there been any areas where you might have thwarted the progression of this goal? And if you are sabotaging that goal what can you do differently? If you are not sabotaging that goal is there another way to get these values and desires in your life fulfilled? Is there another way? What is it? -If they are not in alignment then what are some goals that you’d like to set right now that incorporate the desires you’ve identified today? I hope you will join us for our next new moon session with Susan Worrell. I am looking forward to more insights and breakthroughs with you. Living a life in alignment with my values means living my best life. This is the type of work that makes all the difference. So join us in learning to live your best life.
One of the elements of our session this month is right speech. Am I saying what I need to say? Am I in integrity in my speech? This resonated for me throughout this past week, and perhaps it will for you as you pick up this practice of becoming aware of how your speech aligns with your intentions and values. Here are the questions from last weeks session. Please enjoy the practice of becoming aware of speech. Contemplate each and then journal. Do this with a friend and share your insights for a deeper experience. Question 1. What do I WANT to say when someone asks me how I’m doing/what’s new/etc.? -What do I ACTUALLY say when someone asks me how I’m doing/what’s new/etc? *Are there any patterns? Are there any patterns with a particular person or a specific type of person? Question 2. How do I feel WHILE I'm interacting with others? Physically, Spiritually, Emotionally Are you fully engaged and hanging on their every word or are you checked out? Is your mind racing with thoughts? Are there any common themes about where your mind and thoughts go? Are there particular people you tend to “check out” with or be more present with? How do I feel AFTER I've interacted with others? Physically, Spiritually, Emotionally What are the a patterns here? Question 3. What topics are generally discussed when I’m interacting with others? Is there a theme in conversation? What do I really want to talk about versus what I am talking about? Consider the form of the conversation. Question 4. Where might you be engaging in ways that are out of integrity. What are your recurring patterns -Not voicing opinions/not letting others voice their opinions -Interrupting/being interrupted -Saying things you don't mean and/or white lies -Saying yes when you want to say no -Saying no when you want to say yes - Being intimidated/Intimidating others -Apologizing when not necessary -Not setting boundaries/violating others boundaries -Name-calling/bulling -Raising your voice -Shutting down/stonewalling -Closed off body language -“Punishing” others indirectly instead of verbally addressing a problem/concern -Expecting others to read your mind -Laughing at jokes you don't understand -Accepting responsibility for mistakes that are not your own -Accepting praise or credit for for someone else's “work” or full credit for a collaboration Our final exercise led by Carissa was to examine a situation, starting with just one, in which you have been out of integrity in your speech and consider how to become in greater alignment with what you truly want and believe. In choosing the situation consider one in which you have a difficult time being your most authentic self. Now, imagine yourself being in full integrity the next time you interact with the person. What would that look like? What would that feel like? Allow yourself to experience this before you have the next interaction, and see if anything changes. Finally, create an authenticity related mantra or self affirming statement. |
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