Happy Summer Solstice. Today, Consciousness Explorations will be starting an in person movement and meditation program. This will meet from 11:11 to 12:12 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. We will be using movements from Thomas Hannah's Somatics, Yin Yoga, and other gentle approaches that work to awaken our senses to the world around us. Hopefully we will have some guest visitors to share their own gifts.
To begin we will do silent stretching while listening to Rudolf Steiner's beautiful text "How to Know Higher Worlds". https://youtu.be/-5G83pOyEOI I have been feeling rather "crunchy" and it seems that my physical body often reflects my emotional state. That stiffness and lack of fluidity translate so quickly into a kind of irritability in my emotional and mental being as well. This will also be the kick-start to our next course offering. Aligning with Your Divine Blueprint. This offering draws you through a sequential awakening of your different "bodies". Physical, Etheric, Astral, Mental and Causal with the last month focused on the Divine as we will be entering the Holy Days at the end of our time together. Please do join us for any and all of our upcoming programming.
We are entering the final month of the creativity course. So maybe some of you find it odd to start the project at the end of the road. I believe that before we jump into a project, we need to learn how to connect to the Creative Self, to allow more creative inspiration to become a part of our daily life, and to remove the fears and blocks that keep us from connecting to this higher Creative Self.
Once we become connected to the Creative Self, now it is the time to direct my focus toward bringing something new into the world. So for the final month we will make a first step towards stepping on the road of bringing forth something our soul has been longing to create. What is it that you truly desire to create? What is the project you want to see manifested? Let's use this new moon to plant the seed of success! For this new moon session we will clarify our goals, in part by understanding the audience. We will then make a commitment to taking some real steps in the 3D world towards actualizing those goals. Join us Thursday at 4:30 CST. Reach out for a Zoom link [email protected] |
January 2025
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