We are now in the final stretch of 2021 and so it is time to tap into the New Year energy! We will host our annual New Year's Intention setting on New Year's Day at 11AM CST. Stay posted for more information.
It is incredible what we can accomplish in a year. Life is filled with so many opportunities. We tend to get bogged down in the mundane and lose sight of what our soul is really calling us to do. Make this year the one where you finally step outside of your routine to move purposely onto your heart-centered path. Following our intentions setting on New Year's Day, we will host a summary of our upcoming course. If you are interested in living a more heart-centered life, please come join us for the second run of our course "Strengthening Your Spiritual Core". This is work of the heart. Learning to love the self. Learning to connect to the Higher Self when making choices in life. There is only one person who truly knows what it is you are meant to do, that is you. We falsely identify our self with what I call our "ego interfacing personality". That is the part of us that has been shaped through our experiences in the world. The true Self is not the personality, or the product of our life experiences, it is the eternal Self. The spiritual Self that has incarnated onto this planet in order to fulfill your divine purpose. Those of us who have lost touch with that authentic Self have difficulties making decisions, knowing which way to go in our lives, feeling lost and a lack of meaning and connection. When we tune back into who we truly are, that expansive loving awareness flows through us, and we are able to live a life filled with peace, serenity and endless amounts of unconditional love. This year we will continue the hybrid format, and host our bi-weekly event in the Yoga space at the Community House. Please check out more about the course and find the course schedule here, and please be sure to register if you are interested in participating.
My first stint in graduate school was at the Institute of Animal Behavior, a now defunct department at Rutgers that focused on Ethology. Ethology is a powerful field of studying behavior and resulting phenomenon and using the scientific method to evaluate theories on the purpose of these. So my training was in classical scientific method. As a scientist, when doing an experiment, you start with a theory. Our theory is that energy healing is an effective tool for physical and emotional dis-ease. Let's just say, even if we are uncertain of the mechanism of how something works, the evidence that it does work warrants further exploration. Furthermore, it is always mind-blowing when it does since it questions our materialistic view of the world. Last night at our healing circle, we had the opportunity to see this mind-blowing power at work. We started our session with the prayer of St. Francis, or rather the Twin Hearts meditation as it was developed by GMCKS, founder of Pranic Healing. We all felt the energy flow through our hearts to our hands. I have done this mediation hundreds of times, and it was pretty powerful even with just the three of us. We followed the meditation with a brief intro into how Pranic Healing works. Even though my formal training is in classical neuroscience, I spent over a decade training in bioenergy healing, working with Master Co, the primary disciple of GMCKS. I have treated my own training more like an academic or scientific journey, and less like a healer or practitioner. But, I have been feeling called to start using these tools as I am seeing the need for healing in our community. The system calls for cleansing and then energizing the energy field (or aura and chakras). There are specific patterns for various diseased states, but a general approach is a direct one. That is, if it hurts, clean it with white or green prana and then energize it with white, or violet. *there are specifics about color, but these color choices are a safe bet. One of the ladies had a tooth abscess, so we swept the area with clean prana, and then briefly energized it to support the healing. We ended the session with a prayer of thanks. It was probably about an hour later that she called me, so excited to tell me the news. The abscess was gone! It had burst when she got home, and drained on its own. I was so excited. Like I said, I have always observed these things as a scientist--holding no expectation, just performing the experiment and recording the results. To have another positive example, makes me laugh in my heart. This stuff is so freaking cool! This is not pretend-land, but founded in the powerful facts of the workings of consciousness and the magnetic fields (or morphic fields--or consciousness fields) of our bodies. The how of it all is still a matter left to those who are leading the way in our advancing understanding of the multi-dimensional reality. But why should we wait to understand quantum mechanics of energy healing, when we have a powerful healing tool at our fingertips (quite literally)?! Consciousness Explorations has a curriculum of online courses. Most of these are in development, however, we successfully ran the course designed to help strengthen your connection to your higher self, through developing greater self-awareness and fostering self-love. This is our first offering of the New Year 2022 and will run from January until March.
Strengthening Your Spiritual Core is a journey of discovering and connecting to our Self with a capital S. We will meet twice a month on the new and full moons to set intentions to connect to and work with our highest aspects of self. From the course description: Each of us has a divine path. It is through our connection to our higher self, the part of us that knows and remembers, who we truly are that we find our way to this path. What causes us to forget? What causes us to stray and become aimless? How can I step back onto my path and come to realize my divine purpose in the world? The course was a powerful experience for me, as I found I was able to transform old beliefs about my abilities in music, and to embrace the creative act of singing, which I now do fearlessly every day! We will be sending invitations all this month to participate so if you are interested in learning more, please contact us. |
January 2025
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