I have been attending a course through the Transformative Learning Foundation led by Ba and Josette Luvmour. It has sparked several new trains of thought within me, and has opened me up to a different way of being with those around me. It is almost like I am just now becoming aware of the person in a true sense, connecting intentionally to their field of consciousness energy. I can only explain it as a deepening of my awareness of the other. The course itself is on Natural Learning Relationships, a curricular model of education based in large part on attending to the emerging consciousness of children.
From our readings: Consciousness of the Developing Child Is the Future of Humanity On the Nature of Consciousness Consciousness is that which knows—(the knowing faculty) A developmental stage is a Field of Knowing The Field of Knowing—a knowledge domain A knowledge domain—the region in which the child’s consciousness accesses specific capacities and capabilities Like Buddhist meditation, states of consciousness transform through fields of knowing (similar to Bardo states) in mutual dependence upon content and context. Consciousness is primarily evidenced in changes in perception, which determines behavior, identity construction, ego development, relationship, knowledge formation, and emotional connection (Gebser, 1984). Child development is the emergence of different fields of knowing from birth through age 23 (Luvmour & Luvmour, 2006). It has been a fascinating course to participate in, and each week we begin with an exercise exploring our own consciousness. As we started this week with examining the consciousness phase of Reasonable Being, we engaged in an exercise to place ourselves within time. The exercise was designed to create a feeling of the expansiveness of time. We got comfortable and closed our eyes and then were asked to think of what we might consider a "long" time. I may have messed up the exercise a bit since my first amount of time I thought of was the infinite expanse of eternity. So as our instructor asked us to keep doubling that amount and tripling it, all I could come up with is that time doesn't even exist, or it is an echo of some sort. It was quite interesting. At the end we were asked two questions. First, "In this framework of time, what is the most important thing?" Almost everyone came up with Love, and Self in various forms. The second question was, "In this framework of time, what is the purpose of it all?" There were many more variations here. Family, Unity, Connection. Mine was to eliminate the illusion of separateness. So those all seemed connected. But there was one person who said, there is no meaning or purpose. I had a hard time with that response because I believe this is the core of the problems we face. When we cannot find our purpose or meaning, then nothing we do matters. But we matter. What we think and do matters. What we are experiencing here on Earth is the product of all of our choices. We have a choice now as to what direction we will go and where we will end up. This is a critical choice in this moment as we are facing new nanotechnology that will create physical immortality, and a prison for our spiritual being. This is the choice between humanity and something pseudo-human. One of my first courses in graduate school was neuroimmunology. Our consciousness can help direct our immune system, it was designed that way. But can our consciousness direct nanotech? It was not designed to do so. We have hardly scratched the surface of the potential of human consciousness and we would choose to destroy that potential by clogging it up with microscopic robots? I hope not. I have been listening to Lars Muhl and his wisdom teachings from the perspective of the Essenes. Please check him out for inspiration https://youtu.be/CVUAeVn3NqI He gives wisdom and practical knowledge on how to work with our higher cognitive faculties to help us live more heart centered lives and light with our true purpose. In his book "The Gate of Light", he speaks about the difference between brain intelligence and heart intelligence. "In the Western world we are led to believe that the highest level a person can aspire to is the intellectual, the mental. We try to solve all mankind's problems through methodical, pragmatic thinking. But we are forced to admit, time and again, that this way of thinking only produces more problems than we had in the first place. "Not before we admit that it is only through the intelligence of the heart that we can seriously widen our horizons and deepen our insights will mankind move toward brighter times. "The intelligence of the heart works on a completely different frequency from that of the brain. Whereas the intelligence of the brain is connected to the electrical system of the body, the intelligence of the heart connects with the Heavenly Essence and the Plane of Unity, God." This is a beautiful description of how desire and emotions play such a powerful role in creation. These are the source of our connection to the Quantum Consciousness Field. Lars Muhl rightly points out that the Essenes model of reality very much aligns with that of those now studying the quantum nature of reality and the way consciousness participates in this. The point is that we are not passive observers of our lives and the world around us. We are active co-creators of our own reality. Until we start to make those choices that will lead us towards a more beautiful life, that much longer will we prolong our own suffering. So pick up the pieces of your life, let go of the limiting habits of thought and feeling, and help to co-create the world of tomorrow, today.
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