One step up from Courage on the scale of consciousness created by David Hawkins is Neutrality. I like the word humility better. Here is how Hawkin's describes Neutrality (energy level 250) "Energy becomes very positive as we get to the level that we have termed Neutral, because it is epitomized by release from the positionality that typifies lower levels. Below 250, consciousness tends to see dichotomies and to take on rigid positions, an impediment in a world that is complex and multi-factorial rather than black and white. Taking such positions creates polarization, and polarization in turn creates opposition and division. As in the martial arts, a rigid position becomes a point of vulnerability; that which does not bend is liable to break. Rising above barriers or oppositions that dissipate one's enegies, the Neutral condition allows for flexibility and nonjudgmental, realistic appraisal of problems. To be Neutral means to be relatively unattached to outcomes; not getting one's way is no longer experinced as defeating, frightening, or frustrating..." I guess I am partial to the word humilty, because it seems to be to be more connected to human emotion. It has less of a cold, robotic feel to it. Also, I love the 12 steps, and "Humility" is the foundation of the 12 steps. Also worthy of noting, is that "Anonymity" is the guiding principle of the 12 traditions. These qualities of humility and anonymity are the ego puncturing tools necessary to move out of the negative toroid and start to live in grace. In my experience, addicts are definitely stuck in the negative toroid--without a doubt. The thing about humility is that it is often mistaken for humiliation. This is hardly the case. Humility is not thinking poorly of oneself. That is closer to guilt and shame, the two emotions on the bottom of the consciousness map. Humility is accurate perception. It is seeing things as they are. There is a greater detatchment with the emotion of humility. There is no desire to defend a position in humility. Things just are as they are. Neutral. From the AA 12 & 12: I find it fascinating that these steps align so well with Hawkin's map of consciousness. How amazing to realize that without moving into Neutrality, the first level of the positive toroid, then we have no chance of happiness. This truth has never been more clear than to the addict holding on to the justifications for continuing to use, unwilling to look at the truth of their situation. They must surrender, and get humble, if they are to get free. The book continues: And so it is, that when we step into the energy vibration of Neutrality we free ourselves from the negative pull. This is one reason I am such a fan of Hawkin's work. Since addict and alcoholics tend towards selfishness, this map is a way to reach even the most self-serving individual. With this map everyone can see clearly how their negative attitudes can bring nothing but negative outcomes, then even in the desire for their own happiness and release from suffering, there is the motivation to do this work of becoming humble. Finally, the 12 & 12 makes the connection between steping on the path of humility as taking a step towards God. This is how I see the map of consciousness. Each step up the vibrational ladder, is one step closer to God-Truth-Enlightenment. I have worked with many addicts who become stuck in pride. Once my friend who was struggling with pride asked me, "Shouldn't I feel proud of my successes?" If pride hadn't continued to cause her so much grief, I might have spoken differently, but the truth is, her pride caused her to scoff at everyone around her, and to proclaim her own greatness, causing strife in all of her friendships and usually ending in her isolation and relapse. I told her to instead feel grateful. To take all of that positive feeling and compound it by giving praise to her Higher Power for all the gifts of success she had received. What a different energy than pride. It is so true, when we are grateful, we become graceful. We don't bump up against everyone and everything around us, trying to show our worth. We can let go of other people's judgment (positive and negative), and be at peace in the world. We can trust God. To read all of Step 7 press the black button!
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